17.8.2022, Fr. Z's Blog The Vetus Ordo shall not go away and for good reasons. VIDEO. Wherein Fr. Z rants about the Vetus and the Novus. by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
16.8.2022, Facebook Contra Traditionis Custodes - Pro Immemorial Roman Rite (Usus Antiquior) by Shawn Tribe
13.8.2021, crisismagazine.com Why Restricting the TLM Harms Every Parish Mass by Peter Kwasniewski
8.8.2022, newliturgicalmovement.org What They Requested, What They Expected, and What Happened: Council Fathers on the Latin Roman Canon by Peter Kwasniewski
29.6.2022, newliturgicalmovement.org “Recollections of a Vatican II Peritus” by Alfons Cardinal Stickler — Another Nail in the Coffin of the Roche Narrative by Peter Kwasniewski
6.10.2021, voiceofthefamily.com St Pius V and the Mass by Dr Joseph Shaw |